What it Takes to Rule an Empire

This post is sponsored by USA Network but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

A new favorite TV show of ours is Queen of the South. Have you guys seen this series before? If you enjoy strong female leads and empowering, passionate, and action-packed stories, this is definitely a show you'd love! In today's post, I'm sharing what's coming up for Queen of the South and also what it takes to rule an empire. Because it takes one boss lady to another to know how much goes into it, let alone remaining on top. Continue reading for my top three pieces of advice to what I think is key in order to rule an empire.


In matters of ruling an empire, I believe the best way is by being pretty savage. Okay... correction: VERY savage. You have to be merciless and cannot have anything get in the way of your goals/ambitions. Many will want your time, will want to use you for their personal gain, will want your attention, but you have to remember that to rule and stay on top, you're not here to be anyone's best friend, and if anyone or anything is going to be standing in the way, you have to make the necessary sacrifices sometimes. This also means no compromises.


You think the greatest of anything became that way? Nope. Lots and lots of training, experiences, and more. And then more again. Oh, and let's not forget all the uphill battles along the way to climb your way to the top! You better be ready to give your blood, sweat, and tears... literally! Ha ha!


One does have to be a little insane to want to rule an empire (of any kind) so I do think it takes someone who's a tiny bit nuts to want to do that. Also, this is all kidding aside, but perhaps someone who is slightly a sociopath would tie in to not just being ruthless, but also having no time for any real human emotion, like remorse, fear, sadness. It's not like it wouldn't hurt or work in favor when it would come to ruling an empire. :)

Queen of the South returns for season 3 and Queenpin/Boss Babe Teresa Mendoza (Alice Braga) is finally on top and has seized the throne. While seasons 1-2 showed us Teresa’s start from the bottom and her rise, season 3 focuses on Teresa becoming Queen of her own drug empire. Although she’s obsessively hunted by Camila (Veronica Falcon), Teresa refuses to hide in a hole, continuing to live the luxurious lifestyle of a Queenpin. No longer the apprentice, Teresa enjoys being boss and the power that comes with it. After experiencing betrayal and heartbreak, she soon realizes the best way to rule is by being ruthless.

Queen of the South premieres Thursday, June 21st at 9/8c and will air each week on Thursdays at 9/8 c!


NYC style blog




Case of the Monday's


B-b-b-b-b-but, I don’t compete with nobody
I just go hard, do the rope-a-dope Ali
Shuffle, and dance around my opponents, do donuts
— Eminem, 'My Darling'

Yo, Monday! We don't like you. Why must you return every week with such a vengeance?! In honor of the case of the Monday's, my pooch and I are showing our best, 'Monday, Get Outta Here' faces. Tee-hee ;) No really, though, I'm ready to kill it! Especially with this awesome t-shirt my good friend Agnes got me! Though, I think MaQ looks more confused than anything else. Like this derpy boy? He has his own Instagram account. Yes, I really do love my dog that freaking much, I'm shameless! For more adorable, funny, heart-warming daily moments with my best bud, check him out on IG @maq_life.

Now that I'm blogging again, I've been thinking a lot about changing the name of my blog and giving it a fresh, new start. What is it, you might wonder? ::Drum roll please:: MaQ + Suz! The Q is capitalized for the meaning of one of my most favorite words - quicksilver /ˈkwikˌsilvər/ noun: used in similes and metaphors to describe something that moves or changes very quickly, or that is difficult to hold or contain.

We, ourselves, are always changing. In a city like this, that tends to go quickly. Sometimes it's for the better and sometimes, unfortunately, it happens whether you like it nor not. We're all reaching a goal. A destination. A yearning. An acceptance of belonging to something.  I would like to think this way in terms of my new way of blogging. It will always be transforming with many different topics and discussions, and because of this, hopefully, this will also affect my readers.  The simple idea of sharing social media about our different cultures, backgrounds and style, it's something we can all relate to because we are all connected; no matter how far we go, geographically or emotionally, we are always constantly growing and changing. Together, as one, like quicksilver.

Speaking of change, I have to discuss last night's episode of the season finale of True Detective. All in all, I was truly disappointed in Season 2. Comparatively to Season 1, this season was weak. The first season was so in-depth with their characters and the story. It was clean, smart and compelling. In prep for the second season, I re-watched the first season not only to get hyped up for the new one but also for study and research on my current work project, my second crime novel. Last night's episode and overall feel, I thought the strongest character, Ani Bezzerides played by Rachel McAdams (and no it's not because I love strong female lead characters) were kind of swept under the rug. I wanted to know more about her background because even though the writers did give us some, I still wanted to know more to better understand her. I wasn't satisfied with just her relationship's with her father and her sister. Yes, I liked the sentiment of change, which I feel to be the focused theme of this season. Ani's final change was her firstborn son. His father, Detective Ray Velcoro, was killed before he even knew he was going to be a dad again, sadly repeating the same vicious cycle with his other son, (who looks way too much like a 'redheaded stepchild') of not being able to really connect with him and therefore, not ever really knowing him. His final change is death. 

Frank's death was lame. I know he's supposed to be one tough S.O.B, but watching him get stabbed felt like getting sucker punched. I mean, really? He's supposed to be this hardcore gangster, even though he detests the label when his wife uses it on him. The last scene of him and his wife, Jordan, was not my favorite. I really wanted to have a deeper rush of emotions, a kind of reaction to his sadness of not making it to his wife. Because their relationship between each other was very complicated and good, the ending between them should have been more, not some cheesy goodbye inside a train station. And the damn crows. Overkill.

I did find the scene with Jordan and Ani's baby touching. Her eyes said it all. Bittersweet. Even when Velcoro's ex-wife finally gets the paternity results it's no real shocker if you've been paying attention. I didn't like all the weird last names. It is one thing to keep names of characters original and memorable, but not to the point where I have to look it up online to make sure who is who. Too confusing. And don't get me started on all the aerial shots throughout each episode. Guys, you can totally do better than that! I swear I've seen them in every single episode! Transitions are made to be used in meaningful ways not to fit in a minute of California freeways and desolate lands. I figure you can't win one without losing one, so maybe if they do a third season, it'll be better like the original one! I look forward to what they will come up with and change from this season. See? Everyone's always changing. :)

To end off on a better note, I leave you a snapshot of my work desk... oh boy, looks like another manic Monday! To see more about the products in the photo, please check out my Instagram @suzannespiegoski for more details. And lastly a Monday Quote or as I call them, 'Monday Suzisms' of my current mood/thoughts.

Got to get back to the grind! I hope you all have a wonderful week! Come back tomorrow for some foodie goodie deliciousness!