Best Snow Day Ever!

MaQ & I enjoying Blizzard Jonas. New York City, January 23, 2016. © Gilles Decamps

MaQ & I enjoying Blizzard Jonas. New York City, January 23, 2016. © Gilles Decamps

Hey there! Just another manic Monday! This weekend, New York City almost broke the record for the biggest blizzard here to date. We made it to the second most largest snowstorm, piling up with over two feet of snow. (26.8 inches of it to be exact!) We had a blast, to say at the very least, especially my boy, MaQ, who LOVES the cold and even more so, the pow pow!

Start of Winter Storm Jonas, New York City, 14th Street, January 2016.

Start of Winter Storm Jonas, New York City, 14th Street, January 2016.

I think a lot of New Yorkers like myself kind of scoffed at the idea of a big bad snowstorm because in recent years, the meteorologists have been far from being accurate. What can you do, you can't predict Mother Nature! We even got more snow than D.C. had initially planned on getting! But the city is back up and running today, except in some boroughs like Queens who basically got the short end of the stick when it came to snow maintenance on the residential streets. So how did we enjoy the weekend?

"Let's play all day, every day, always and forever." -MaQ's mantra

"Let's play all day, every day, always and forever." -MaQ's mantra

By playing like children, of course! :) MaQ had way too much fun frolicking in the snow. I love watching him roam around in the deep snow banks because he prances around like Bambi. He just can't get enough of it! We played for hours on Saturday morning before it really started to come down hard. We went to the Stuyvesant dog run where we relished in a snowball fight and ran around with other doggy pals full of light-hearted laughter and youthful grins. ♥

Want to see some real-live action of my fur baby? Check out the slow-motion video of MaQ running through the snow! I love how he always checks on me, even when I'm videotaping him! Show off. ;) To see more videos of MaQ and I in our daily adventures, please subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Who's ready for a snowball fight?!

Who's ready for a snowball fight?!

On Sunday, we went out first thing in the morning for round 2. We trudged through deep snow taking in the aftermath of Jonas before stopping to run and romp around in blankets and blankets of the unpaved snowfall. As an original Michigander, I'm quite used to the massive amounts of the white stuff but there's something so magical and peaceful about the city after a huge blizzard. This was my fourth or fifth big snowstorm since being in New York.

The happiest boy!

The happiest boy!

But being from the Midwest, I'm pretty prepared when it comes to the winter season. Especially when it comes to attire. MaQ may have a double-layered coat, but as for myself, I need a few extra layers to keep me warm! ;)

How I feel about going back indoors.

How I feel about going back indoors.

I always wear my trusty Uniqlo down coat to stay extra bundled. It's got a wonderful zipped hood that you can detach should you not want to wear it. When it comes to keeping my hands and neck warm, I never leave the house without my Lululemon gloves and scarf. And I adore pom beanie hats! They are too cute. And the best winter boots during this season in NYC? Sorel boots all the way. With all the mushy and slushy puddles at every crosswalk, you got to have some serious waterproof footwear!

The best of friends.

The best of friends.

What are some of your everyday winter wear? Like to layer up or keep it simple? What are some of your favorite brands for this season? I really love and have always loved the heat-tech from Uniqlo. It keeps you very warm without weighing you down and is the perfect addition with other forms of layering.

You want to go back inside?! Quick! Hide!

You want to go back inside?! Quick! Hide!

We hope you and your pooch had a marvelous weekend! What are some of your favorite activities to do with your best furry friend in this kind of weather? Whatever it may be, we hope you stay cozy and safe out there. Have a great week.

The most beautiful, magnificent creature I have ever known. I love you dearly. x. ♥

The most beautiful, magnificent creature I have ever known. I love you dearly. x. ♥

Love & xx's,

TBT Winter Storm Nemo

It's Throwback Thursday and since I've never shared any puppy photos of MaQ on our blog, I knew now was a good time as any! Growing up in the Midwest, I am actually quite fond of snow. No, I'm not talking about the horrendous gigantic slush puddles you challenge yourself to at every crosswalk in the city come Winter (it's like the Olympics jump track I swear!), but the heavier kind of snow that sticks - the kind we all used to frolic and play in as children. Well, that is if you grew up in a place where there was snow!

The first actual blizzard MaQ encountered was during Winter Storm Nemo in February of 2013. He was only 4 months old at the time and like any typical mountain dog (MaQ is originally from Upstate New York) he ravaged the snow like some wild beast! He truly relished every moment of it and like myself, we just can't wait for another huge snow storm like this one! There will be lots more cuddling and playtime to be had, with tons of cocoa and kisses. Can you say snow day?! We truly love those kind of days. ;)

Here are some photos taken by me and my hubby along with our first YouTube video on our maQ + Suz channel! We hope you enjoy all the puppy playing and fun! Winter is coming and we are ready! Bring it on snow! ❆❆❆

Love & xx's,

maQ + Suz
