10 Ways to Be a Badass

Normally when one thinks of a badass, one doesn’t usually come across an image of myself but more so along the lines of ‘The Terminator’, ‘Rocky’… even Lara Croft. Or perhaps a pick-up artist or someone who is all about getting ‘ripped’. My physique is petite more than anything else. But it’s what you carry on the inside that truly resonates who you are. So after my birthday weekend, I had some reflections as to where I am in life and who I really am as well. And I can assure you, I’m one hell of a badass for many reasons. So continue reading to learn more on ten ways to be more of a baddie in your life as well!


As a trained figure skater, I was criticized on a daily basis (and then some) which became part of the norm in my childhood. Good and bad, the latter proved to toy with my insecurities for years. But what it has also taught me is discipline, perseverance and most importantly, the only competition that I’m up against is with myself. Do you really think, with the career I’m in now, that I’d have any real fighting chance if I spent my days trolling Instagram worrying about other people and what they think of me? I’d never leave the house! So throw caution to the wind in this case - once you really don’t care about what others think of you and are only worried about yourself, it is forever life changing. And yes, a complete badass in doing so!


We are human after all, we all become afraid of many things throughout our life. But it’s how we manage that fear is what counts. To lead an exciting life, one must be open to new experiences. Jump with a leap of faith instead of waiting for something to happen. You just got to go for it, remember that you are uncomfortable because you are simply traveling out of your comfort zone, which is a good thing. Overcoming fears equals personal growth, and badasses are far more capable than what they ever imagined to be. Better to have tried than not try at all.


Not to say one should be a doormat, but it never hurts to be kind. We are all in this together, meaning we are all going to go down just in different ways so while we’re here we should at least try to be nice to one another. Don’t get me wrong, once a boundary has been stepped outside of its line, I won’t be as cool. But to me, a badass isn’t a ‘mean girl’ or a beyotch with an attitude, but more so someone who is diplomatic, cool, calm and collective throughout many different scenarios. Treat others how you’d like to be treated. The cooler you are to everyone else, the cooler they’re gonna be to you.


Whether it’s for yourself or someone else, do it for the right reasons. Not for an ego boost. When you see someone being taken advantage of, abused, or wronged who may not have the strength to stand up for themselves, do whatever you can to help. Don’t go getting yourself into situations you can’t handle, but if there’s any opportunity to fight some sort of injustice before you, stand up and do something about it. Rise up for yourself because if you can’t do that, you’re not going to be able to help others either. But you’ll never regret doing either or the other!


Of course, it’s important to learn when to say yes but I believe it is even more important to learn when to say no. And rather frequently. You can’t please everyone, and even if you tried (which I have in the past) you will never win over everybody. Quickly saying yes to everyone and everything will consequently have you lose your focus and dilute your power. Be selective, take time in your decisions, and definitely be down to say NO AF. Lol.


If I have to endure one more conversation amongst ‘bloggers’ as to what I have in store for summer plans, future content ideas, etc; I’m going to die of exasperation. Less talk, more action. Like a writer, don’t tell me… but SHOW ME. One of the best ways to stay stuck in your life is to constantly talk about things and never take action. If you want to really change your life or achieve a big goal, then commit to being someone who takes big action and does something about it after rather than the other way around. It kind of coincides with #1 but it’s all about delivering what you plan on doing. GET IT DONE!


Life will try to beat you down, others will try and take what you have, and your own mind will tell you that you’re not good enough, but… guess what? The world doesn’t revolve around you and you have to maintain at not relenting. Don’t give up. Keep plugging away at it and go after it single-mindedly. Don’t let anything get in your away. Remember why you are doing what you’re doing and don’t let go of that.


Stay on your path and trudge forward with big strides, but be flexible and adapt to the conditions of the road. If you want to make the universe laugh, just tell them your plans. Things will go awry. If you’re too rigid, life will feel like it’s against you, so sometimes you got to adapt a little and go with the flow. Be like water, not cement.


It’s there for a reason, and believe me when I say this, it knows much more than you do! ;) If someone or something feels wrong to you, or a project just doesn’t feel right…listen to what your intuition is telling you. There’s a good chance that it’s right and you should at least consider what is going on. Don’t have a knack for it, or so you think? Meditate, take long walks, do things that will open your inner compass and guide you to do what is best for you.


We all have different sides to ourselves, but more so of what we project to the outside world, and then who we are - as in… who we really are deep down inside. In my profession, it’s easy to just think I’m this or that, depending on what’s in a person’s ‘about me’ page, outfit, tweet, and then some. None of this makes a person. What’s in your heart and what actions you take definitely take hold over who you truly are as a person. And it’s all about being able to look at yourself in the mirror every morning and be very accepting with yourself. Because if you can’t even face yourself, how do you really know yourself? Be happy knowing your true self, a badass at heart all the way!






How to Wear a Maxi Skirt If You Are a Petite or a Short Woman

NYC fashion blogger

Stepping up my game in the styling department this Monday! You know, us, petite girls, need a little more recognition in the fashion world because it’s not easy styling when it comes to being short. Especially when it comes to bottoms: Pants, skirts - you name it, normally anything will need some adjustments. But what if you can’t take it in to the tailor every time? Pinching a few pennies? Why not, “Make it work” as Tim Gunn says? And if you’re a true stylist, you can adapt to anything and yes, indeed, make it work! You know I’m not much of a pink girl, but many of my readers really like it when I wear this color. So on one count, I’m challenging myself to style one skirt in two completely different ways, and two, for the love of my followers. Here you go! Continue reading to see the complete shoot!

When I thought about how to style this skirt, given the fact that the pink maxi skirt (as cute as it may be), it was far too long for me. So what’s a petite gal to do? HIDE THAT ISH. And since it’s winter, I paired it with a loosely fitted black cashmere sweater with #MOOD written on it in a plush red. To accentuate with the top, I accessorized with my new favorite bag that’s got a gorgeous oxblood color with an adjustable gold chain. You can see how I wore it both ways. Even my lipstick and nails are similar to the shades or red, but not exact. And this was intentional. I think it brings more of the pink out in terms of its statement, and it’s quite a ruffly skirt! I may not be a girly girl, but I sure do feel quite the lady when wearing it.

My new favorite black winter boots have yellow laces and a rough edgy feel to them. I’d say they’re combat boots and the platform always makes me feel like I can kick ass when wearing them. Ha ha! I’d say this look has a definite punk feminine chic vibe to it. You know me for my edginess & rebelliousness when it comes to my personal style, I really had fun putting together this first look. But wait… there’s the other look. How did I style the pink maxi skirt this time? Definitely has an overall different vibe to it as well!

One of my favorite ways to style a maxi skirt is to wear it as a dress! As a petite and short woman (I’m only 5’3’’) who is always looking for ways to save a few bucks, and also doesn’t always have time to wait in between alterations at the tailor’s, it never hurts to find creative ways to style yourself! And this second look is more for an evening affair. Playful, elegant and still with a little bit of edge, this pink maxi skirt, now dress, is a showstopper. I styled the piece with the darkest color known to man to give contrast to the feminine shade I don’t normally wear, if not ever. I love pink and black together!

The look was definitely inspired by Carrie Bradshaw’s Oscar de la Renta dress from the show, Sex & the City, where her Russian boyfriend gifts it to her right before whisking her away to the ballet. I wanted the same type of feeling when it came to the second look. More whimsical. A touch of elegance. And a look you’ve never seen me do. And just like Carrie, I have a thing for accessories. This unique 100% leather based ball bag with Swarovski crystal stones, silver studs, glow in the dark stars and hand painted detailing is pretty insane when it comes to its details and I thought it was quite the bag to carry with this look! 

I wore black strappy heels to give more of an elongated look as well as keeping with the color scheme. And when it came to styling this pink maxi skirt into a dress, I knew I need to cinch the waist with a belt, to give some shape to the long dress. I just used black satin ribbon, the same one I wore on my wedding day, and snugly tied it in the back. A statement belt, like the one I’ve linked would be just as great, but to style this as a dress it definitely need something to hold the waist in. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my duo-styled post! I truly enjoyed doing this, so let me know if you’d like to see more styling challenges like this one! Until next time… :)