Quick Tips to Get Rid of Oil and Blackheads

This post is sponsored by Bioré, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Hey, guys! Happy Sunday! How many of you are tend to breakout and are looking for a skincare line to calm down those wicked pores? Well, I’ve got something for you! Witch Hazel, known to tighten pores & for its astringent properties is also the main ingredient in the new Bioré Skincare. I love that it calms and soothes on top of being a preventative to future breakouts on. What is hiding in your pores can be downright ick and these extra-strength products really get the job done! I like to keep my skin care cleaning regiment thorough but gentle. Bioré® Skincare targets the root of all skin problems—the evil clogged pore. So when it comes to dirt and oil they take a no-nonsense approach to fight smarter, not harder. Continue reading to learn more on how these cleansing products go straight to the source of those pesky pores for deeply clean, beautiful skin that’s ready for anything. Here are two of my latest favorite products from the brand.


This light-weight Witch Hazel Pore Clarifying Toner with witch hazel helps restore skin’s balance as it deep cleans and removes residue a cleanser might have missed. Witch Hazel is known to tighten pores, while salicylic acid controls oil and treats blemishes. This toner definitely gives you the benefit of clearing blemish prone skin, and the lightweight formula refines and tightens your pores. I always use this straight after cleansing my face thoroughly.



Working like a super-magnet, the Bioré Witch Hazel ULTRA Deep Cleansing Pore Strips lift out even the most stubborn blackheads and deep down dirt & oil that can lead to acne-prone skin. Formulated with , these strips deep clean, remove blackheads, refine pores, and help prevent future breakouts. I always like to use these after wearing full-coverage makeup on a long day. I feel like they really purify and refresh my pores.


Interested in checking these two items out today? Both the witch hazel toner and pore strips are available at Walmart and other various online stores. If you tend to have complexion problems such as acne, I’d strongly recommend trying these products. Go to Biore.com to learn more. Wishing you a beautiful, cheery rest of your Sunday! :)







Top 3 Flavorful Teas

This post is sponsored by Celestial Seasonings but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Apparently I’ve turned British. Ever since first visiting London last February (my third time there will be next month!) I can’t get enough of drinking tea! I’ve always been a coffee person, but nowadays you can find me drinking at least a couple of cups of tea per day. Whether it’s with a big cup of tea as my afternoon pick-me-up, or my way to help fall asleep right before bed time, there’s certain kinds of teas that are used for certain time periods of the day. Which is why I’m thrilled to partner with Celestial Seasonings Tea and sharing with you this weekend, my top three flavorful teas of all time! They’re not all fruity or citrusy, each has its own unique flavor. So why not continue reading to find out which ones are my favorite and why I drink them so often.

There are a few reasons why I love to drink tea. I love to drink tea when I’m sick, when I need help falling asleep, and something to get me through the mid-afternoon hump we all sometimes fall into. Or even, especially on a rainy day, I like to curl up on the couch, reading a good book and sipping on one of my favorite teas. Nothing better to warm up with that a good ole’ cup of hot tea. Let’s start with my most favorite flavor when it comes to tea. It’s really quite peachy :)


One of my favorite flavors in tea to drink is peach. Because you can savor it both hot and cold, you can be assured I go through a lot of peach tea. And when I tried the Country Peach Passion tea from Celestial Seasonings, it’s been the only peach tea I’ve been drinking since! A blend of floral chamomile, aromatic citrus and sweet peaches give this brew a decadent peaches and cream flavor. Makes for a really great iced tea as well during the warmer season.


Peppermint tea can be enjoyed year round, hot or cold, either simply for its great taste or to help soothe the stomach. But it’s the only hot beverage I’ll drink when I’m sick. Whether I’m bed-ridden with the flu or just having a nasty cold, peppermint tea is my remedy. Celestial Seasonings’ Peppermint Herbal Tea is caffeine-free and tastes so fresh that it stands superbly on its own. The peppermint they use is sourced in the Pacific Northwest, from Oregon and Washington farmers with whom we’ve built longstanding relationships.


Soothing yourself after a long day can be tough, and there are times when simply trying to overcome stress just creates more anxiety. The good news is that there is one longstanding and deliciously easy option out there to help bring balance to your world: chamomile tea. Tasting slightly of apple, chamomile tea is a favorite among regular tea drinkers for its simple tastiness and range of benefits. I love to drink this when I have trouble sleeping due to stress and anxiety. The calming flavor along with honey & vanilla is so relaxing and never fails to put me to sleep.

Not a fan of these particular 3 flavored teas? Be sure to check out Celestial Seasonings Tea for they have a large assortment of flavors. Other factors that makes Celestial Seasonings Tea great? Their sustainability (stringless tea bags that come packaged in recycled boxes), being super affordable, as well as being zero to low calories. What are your top 3 favorite flavored teas? Whether it's opting for healthier alternatives to sugary drinks or adding in night time steps to ensure a good nights rest, you can count on Celestial Seasonings Tea. Available at Walmart. Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend (with tea, of course.) :)






What I Learned from 2018


Life is a continuation of sorts - uphill battles, downfalls, and all the in between. And sometimes even in life’s most ordinary cycles, it seems nothing will ever change, improve, progress to your liking. Even if it is at a snail’s pace because yes, amazing things take time to cultivate I still struggle with the idea of remaining patient while continuing to be diligent in whatever I’m trying to accomplish. I truly sometimes think that no matter how hard I may try at something, it’s never going to be ‘good enough’ and that perhaps I will never grow. But after this year, I couldn’t be farther from the truth. Learning my strengths in the face of adversity definitely have shown that through discipline, perseverance and yes, a little bit of stubbornness will take you places. But you have to stay on the train.


And if you can’t change your reaction, then change your environment. For example, when you have to repeatedly tell a friend what they’re doing wrong (we’re talking moral values and such). If at some point they’re not getting it, it’s not your issue it’s theirs. Distance yourself from people who suck the living life out of you. There are all sorts of leechers out there and no one deserves to be taken advantage of. This goes for money, emotional manipulation and then some. Another example, I did a test shoot with a model a while back and was trying to take a street style shot with the person in the middle of the street with the Empire State building in the background. But no matter how I reacted in directing this person to be ‘in the middle of the street’, I shit you not, they did not understand. At some point I had to literally pin the person at the very center of the street and said, “Don’t move”, “stand still”… and YES they moved. So I eventually changed my environment because I knew it wasn’t working. Hahaha! :)


Unfortunately, life doesn’t always turn out they way you thought it was going to turn out. And it’s easier to be spiteful, bitter and even down right vindictive over life’s unfairness. Sadly, I even saw this in my father near the end of his life. The first time I took a trip to New York, I came back so excited to share my experiences and all the photos I took. My mother found it exciting, even courageous, to want to venture out into the world. My father couldn’t barely stand to look at the photos, only to say one thing, that he hated New York and when I asked him if he had ever even visited the city and said no, he had no reasons other than negative ones to behave this way. I, too, can sometimes get angry at what life has thrown at me, like how I lost both of my parent before the age of 30 and yes I ask all the time, “why couldn’t You just have left me at least one?!” Or why I don’t have a single family member to even call when I’m feeling down. You just have to look at it this way, in that things don’t just happen. There’s a reason and rhyme to everything, and with a more positive, I guess sweeter, perspective, you’ll be sure to find your way. If I stayed bitter over my losses in life, I never would have found my way to my husband, my dog, MaQ, or even this blog that I consider to be my baby! And yes, in the caption’s saying - it is always better to be nice rather than rude too.


I challenge myself on a daily basis in this living mantra. Especially when life’s daily routines become a bit too routine and nothing exciting is really going on. This year I took my very first solo international trip to London for work (loving it so much I did it again six months later). And even though for most people, it’s not a big deal, for me, someone who does suffer from anxiety, had a lot of nerves about it. But I took a leap of faith, and just went! Best decision ever, as it has really helped me grow personally and professionally. Not ready for something like that? Start small. Go to an event or party, be more social if not already - or start a new hobby you know that’ll make you a little nervous… maybe archery? That would make ME nervous! Ha ha! I think sometimes being impulsive is a good thing, because it pushes you to your limits (NO shopaholics do not apply LMAO) and you discover that you’re capable of so much more than you could even imagine.


Yes, I still have trouble in loving my whole entire self. We all have flaws, insecurities, weaknesses, vices, etc; but you know what is truly amazing? No one is you and that is your power! How incredible is that… you’re one of a kind and unlike anyone else on this planet?! No one else can be you - you are loved and amazing just the way you are. I think too with age, you accept yourself more and more because you know that’s the way it’s going to be. So you might as well love your eccentricities, quirks and all - inside and out! I’m starting to more and more share this side of me on the blog and I think you guys too, really dig it! So yes, I always think the topic of self-love is a self-realization in growth for every year of my life.

I don’t want to go on and on about what I learned from this past year where I start to sound cheesy or too lecture-y. So, I’m going to leave it off with see you soon, wishing you all the best in the New Year, and yes, sending you Love & Light with all my heart. MaQ + Suz would not exist without its readers and we are extremely grateful for each and every one of you! So thank you as always, for the continued love and support of our brand, as we truly work very hard every single day to try and bring you the best styled creative images in the world of fashion, beauty, lifestyle and more.

Side note: ha ha! The paisley blazer from this post is by Saku New York, the cream fuzzy sweater is from H&M and the jeans are Levi’s. Hope you guys enjoyed our very first post on MaQ + Suz for 2019! What are some of the lessons you have learned from this past year? Don’t forget to drop them down in the comment section below! We would love to hear yours! Happy New Year, Happy 2019 and many, many blessings.






How to Deal When the Holidays Aren't Exactly Happy

I don’t know about you, but the holidays can be a very bittersweet time for me. It’s not the most wonderful time of the year, I am not jolly and I normally am counting down the days until it’s January 2nd. I skip a lot of holiday events and parties because I’m never in the mood to socialize. Why? Am I the grinch? Nah. This time of year we remember people we’ve lost, especially the older we get. Both my parents are deceased, so this time period always brings up a lot of memories and mixed emotions. I’m grateful for the family I have made for myself, given the fact that my own estrangement from the rest of my family is not a choice I have made, but more so one that they have made, but since my parents have been gone, it just hasn’t been the same. There’s nothing like the season’s festive messages of peace, love, and togetherness to really make us contemplate our existence, our relationships, and what really matters to us. Hence, the Holiday blues do tend to creep in on me. But instead of passing through and keeping quiet, I decided to write to those that are in the same boat as me. Because you’re not alone. So here are my 5 tips on how to deal when the holidays aren’t exactly happy.


With all the added pressures the holidays bring, one activity I’m not much a fan of is holiday gatherings. So I tend to skip out on a lot of them. Not because I’m a no-show kind of person, but more importantly, I have to take care of me. So if that means I don’t feel like going to someone’s shindig - I just won’t. Life’s too short to spend all your free time at parties anyway. Plus I always feel guilty. Celebrating anything relating to family is difficult for me. And with a hubby and a dog I cherish so dearly, I quite frankly really enjoy just spending time with them around this time of the year. For those that actually care for me will understand and for the ones who don’t, who cares, honestly.


Whenever I’m feeling down I always make an extra effort to think of others before myself. Because as much as my problems are as big in my head, to the next person, who know what they’re facing as well. So a tiny act of kindness, whether it’s helping an elderly person walk across the street or giving away clothes to Goodwill, there’s always something to be done to help others. I always like to believe that whatever energy you project and also be whatever is paying it forward to the next person. So perhaps if my act of kindness inspires the next person to do the same, my work is done. Well… so to speak. :)


Hey, they don’t call it retail therapy for nothing! If all else fails, you can always splurge on yourself too. Eyeing that new piece of jewelry that just can’t seem to get off your mind? Don’t regret the things you didn’t buy! Big or small, getting a gift for yourself is an act of self-care/self-love. Kind of goes along with the first, in that taking care of yourself and that it doesn’t hurt to buy something for yourself every once in a while. Money doesn’t buy happiness, though!


It’s quite easy to fall into the trap of missing what you don’t have in your life. We are all going through something, and no one’s life is 100% perfectly complete all the time. So when you start to get into a funk, I always try to think of what’s going right in my life rather than what’s going wrong. I think of the people and things I’m grateful for and I have learned to appreciate the smaller things in life. It’s all in the mindset and the way our perspective is in that given time. If you change the way you look at things, things you look at change.


Laughter is the best medicine. Whenever I travel for work and am alone in my hotel room working, I always have Friends of Big Bang Theory on in the background. The white noise makes the room feel less empty and I can always count on a few chuckles to be had afterward. Watch movies, listen to music that make you feel good and will inspire you. Whatever makes you smile, hold on to that just a while longer, because before you know it, the holidays will be over just as quickly as they began!

If you’re in the same boat as me and are not a huge fan of the holidays for perhaps similar reasons like myself - YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I’d say try and make the most of it but it’s okay to not be feeling it as well. If you have any other great suggestion on how to get out of the holiday funky blues, feel free to relay your tips down in the comment section below. I love hearing from you guys, especially on more personal posts as such. Hope you enjoyed, until next time… take care of yourself and others. Love always.





Zavo Restaurant & Lounge New York

Okay… today’s the first day where I’m really feeling the cold. I’m a Midwest girl at heart, so the winter season doesn’t bother me much, but in New York, with the humidity AND the cold? It feels much more cold than normal. So what to do on a freezing day like today? I’d say just stay inside, but if you get cabin fever like me and need to get out of the house, you should go and check out ZAVŌ. A luxurious new Mediterranean restaurant that engages all of your senses, it’s the perfect location too after marathoning through a shopping spree. Got your holiday errands all checked off yet? If not, it’s cool. Me neither. Why not sit down and take a break in between with a glass of wine at my new favorite spot in Lenox Hill?

Zavo Restaurant & Lounge

Zavo Restaurant & Lounge

A stylish and seductive multi-level celebration of Mediterranean cuisine and culture, ZAVŌ elevates the dining experience. Amidst tastefully appointed decor and lighting, the menu is just as scrumptious. Savor a cocktail at the sleek marble bar or unwind on the outdoor terrace. We sat in the dining room section with a pleasant ambience and excellent service. The staff was so sweet to give us a complete tour of their almost 1-year old restaurant in Lenox Hill (UES). ZAVŌ’s second floor is accessed via a private entrance on East 60th Street. Ascend the sweeping staircase to the intimate piano lounge, bar and refined private dining rooms, they offer unparalleled, five-star catering services cultivated from their deep expertise with corporate and special events. The Chef’s special selected menu changes daily to reflect their fascinating and unique live entertainment such as 50 Shades and Venetian/Masquerade Nights and others. It’s a great space for holiday parties right now, and even a wedding reception! The second floor can accommodate roughly over 200 people, and the decor alone will have you swooning.

We tried the crab cakes and grilled octopus for our appetizers which were cooked to perfection. Literally soft as butter, with wonderful taste concoctions to go with the seafood such as hummus, yellow pepper, and more. For our main course, we tried the branzino fish with grilled squash and zucchini, and the braised short beef with mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus. The fish was excellent as well as the beef. The beef and asparagus were a tad dry and could have used more sauce, but the flavors were all there. Their sancerre wine was also quite good. But we were so full, we opted out on dessert. Gotta keep that holiday figure, somehow! ;) Overall, a wonderful dining experience. On the super plus side? It’s right across the street from Bloomingdale’s - the perfect spot to hang your hat and grab a bite after your holiday shopping!