Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

This week I wanted to cook something Korean again but I had all these pumpkin seeds from the other day making that 'MaQ-o'-lantern'. And just like my father, I LOVE roasted pumpkin seeds! They are quite the tasty snack and I couldn't just let these nutritious lil' gems go to waste! I usually just season them with a little salt, but I saw a really awesome video by Tasty on Facebook showcasing a variety of seasonings! They're all great, ranging from wasabit to sriracha honey, but I went with the pumpkin pie and cocoa seasonings for today.


Roast pumpkin seeds in an oven at 350F until dry but not golden.

All amounts for 1 cup of seeds.

Seasoning Ingredients (Two-ways)

PUMPKIN PIE: 2 tsp cinnamon, 2 tsp ginger, 2 tsp allspice, 1 tbsp sugar
COCOA: 1 TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp cayenne

Coat pumpkin seeds in a few TBSP of vegetable oil and then mix in seasoning.

Roast at 350F until golden.

I loved the cocoa pumpkin seeds! Really super delicious! They're not too sweet and the cocoa unearths the pungent taste in the seeds, making it such a pleasant surprise in your mouth. ;)

The pumpkin pie is also not very sweet and is absolutely scrumptious. That's what I like about pumpkin seeds, that they're not only healthy but they are a treat that's not loaded with some God-awful ingredient like high fructose corn syrup or anything that has so much sugar, my heart rate spikes just looking at the numbers! The cinnamon and all spice, along with the ginger and 1 tbsp of sugar is a terrific Fall mix, my hubby tried them for the very first time (he's French, they don't exactly roast pumpkin seeds everyday) and loved them!

They are such a staple Fall snack for me. I'm so happy to have tried different, authentic flavors! It just gets me really pumped up for next month, my favorite time of year with all those incredible Thanksgiving dishes, where I try to create a new dish every year. Can't wait to share with you with what's to come!

I'm really excited to munch down on these later, normally I'll make a bag of popcorn or have some kind of chips and dip, but this is a great substitute and is very good for you! Are you a fan of pumpkin seeds? What's your favorite seasoning for yours? Leave a comment in the box!

Have a fantastic & cozy weekend!

Love & xx's,

maQ + suz

My Calvins


I'm not the type to prance around my apartment in my underwear, let alone take photographs of myself in it for pure vanity purposes. Though I have nothing against it, because beauty is always such a pleasure to look at, I'm not exactly as open or forthright when it comes to representing myself in this way. I do, however, have pride in staying fit and healthy in the best way I can.

Being a woman in her early-thirties (shh!), my body just doesn't grant me the grace of beauty like it once did when I was "younger." Yes, I was the girl who could eat anything, keep up with the boys both at the bar and out on the field, live off of no sleep, and even as my Dad once put it, "livin' the rock n roll lifestyle". Back then I was more carefree, therefore a little more careless, a tad more wild. But now that I'm getting older (yes, I know I'm not OLD per se), I suddenly felt compelled to take better care of myself. I would definitely say my pinnacle point was the Big 3-0.

I've worked very hard to stay in shape! All that running, rollerblading, and yoga is really starting to pay off. About a year ago, I set a goal to obtain some "Sarah Connor" arms... because Linda Hamilton's arms for that role were INSANE! I thought her muscle definition was the perfect amount of structure and tone for a woman to still remain somewhat feminine. And I'm very happy with the results.

I'm pretty shy when it comes to taking aesthetic photos of myself. Like I mentioned earlier, it's sort of strange for me since most of my self-portraits' signify in evoking a certain feeling or emotion. Today's all about showing what I look like in my undies! Thanks, Calvin! ;)

I'm a Tomboy at heart and am actually not the biggest fan when it comes to lingerie. I'm more the type who's down for sports bras and granny undies rather than thongs (or 'dental floss' as my friend's mother once referred them to) or negligee. It's all about comfort for me. And this bralette from Calvin Klein is just divine! I literally couldn't feel it on me, it was so weightless! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't own any lingerie. I just don't wear them on a daily basis.

Actually most of my underwear collection is from Calvin Klein. I used to be a Victoria's Secret hoarder, but I love the basic simplicity in Calvin' design. Less is more, even in your undies! And the famous logo, reminiscent of the Marky Mark days, will never go out of style! At least not to me, it won't! 

Here are a few back view shots... I can thank all those years of figure skating for my bootylicious behind! LOL! But seriously, I do try to eat very healthy. My motto is everything in moderation. If you eat well, it's okay to have a little something sweet as well! But not too much in one category. That's where people will run into trouble. And get out and do something active! You are not going to lose any pounds sitting on the couch! Running and swimming are some of the best workouts you can give to yourself. Or get a 100 lb German Shepherd... that might keep you busy... :)

And here you have it! A full length shot of me in all my 'armor'. My closest friends know how freakishly strong I am, and I think this photo my confirm this 'myth'. Ha ha ha! Did you guys know that I was the best in the state of Michigan for chin-ups? I know, strange random fact, but it's true! At 10 years of age, I easily could do 15 of 'em. I even used to compete in the state championships and that's where I met one of my best friends! We've known each other for over 20 years now!

What are your daily workout regiments? Is there something in particular you're trying to concentrate on? Arms? Belly? Tushy? Are you all about your Calvin's like I am? Let's chat! As always, feel free to comment and share! ::Smooch::

Love & xx's,

maQ + suz